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I remember my grandparents with a variety of great memories, but for the most part, they spent a lot of time hobbling around; a lot. As a ’60 #VintageBoomer, I now understand a bit why; foot problems. My aching feet are killing me these days.
Why wasn’t I ever really told how important my feet were in my later life stages? I don’t know about you, but I spent years walking around in my non-work time, either barefoot or running around in some kind of flip-flops or flat-soled shoes.
When all the generations before us were hobbling around in their golden years, would it not have been a bit more comfortable if they had better soles in their shoes? Would their feet, ankle, knee, hip, back, and neck problems have been reduced or never had to occur in the first place? We will never know for sure, but it does make one wonder.
Another significant advance in the 60’s was thermoplastic molding. This led to advances in insole support and the first orthopedic foot molds used to make lightweight insoles. Before that, or for thousands of years, all people and especially travelers complained about their feet. The earliest records dealing with this issue show that animal hair was used as the first form of arch support in the 1800s.
While insoles and orthotics can address one of the most common foot ailments, many other issues can affect our aging feet. So what options do we have today, and what should we tell the Boomers+ generations that follow us? We have foot-message, sole inserts, foot orthotics, and countless other treatments for the various types of foot problems.

As #BoomersAge, we have many issues ahead of us to face. When our mobility is affected by our feet, all of our other body structure issues can be compounded. We need to learn how to best take care of current foot issues and hold off other future foot issues.
We also need to help other Boomers+ so that if they do not fully understand the significance of the collateral issues developed by our feet, we can help them proactively avert some of these issues.
So how does the arch of the foot influence the trajectory of human evolution? What is the sole control of our continued progress? Serious conditions to consider for sure. A good buddy of mine, a ’48 Vintage Boomer, recently began to get foot pedicures. After a good bit of ribbing, he says his only regret is that he did not start getting them years ago. These foot messages and attention, he says, have his feet feeling better than they have in years—something to strongly consider for 2021.
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