Hellooo … is anyone out there?

oh, starry night – oh, UFOs

Do you think we alone in our universe, do you think other civilizations with intelligent life exist on planets in faraway galaxies? As a child, teenager, and adult, I have been captivated by the unknown and majesty of the stars above, our universe, and beyond. It seems I’m not alone with these curiosities and questions. More than half of US adults recently polled believe that we are not alone.

Credit to: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

With more than 200 billion, no 2 trillion, well maybe around 200 billion galaxies, science is a bit undecided on the number #Boomers have wondered about the stars above us for decades. Galileo was the first to use a telescope to gaze at the stars up close and make out the details of our moon, just 238,900 miles from Earth. Today telescopes in space can look back 13 billion light-years; absolutely fantastic.

The work of mapping the darkest parts of our galaxy has brought recent estimates of #2trilliongalaxies beyond our universe back to earlier estimates of about #200billiongalaxies. This exercise focused on the darkest parts of space, and astronomers discovered something they had not expected. They found faint amounts of light glimmering in towards us from these farthest and most remote galaxies. So, the possibility of other universes beyond the reach of our currently most powerful telescopes seems a real possibility.

Do you believe in UFOs?

Credit: John Locher/AP

With all these billions of galaxies, do you think #UFOs exist too? Oh, 2021 could be an exciting year. Tucked deep inside the COVID Relief Bill signed late in 2020 included an unusual provision. US intelligence agencies have 180 days to tell Congress what they know about unidentified aerial phenomena or UFOs. What will we discover that our intelligence agencies have known for decades? What is inside of #Area51? Will, what most believe be validated? Time will tell, the clock is ticking … tic-tok, tic-tok.

The CIA and the Navy have already released some UFO information that goes back decades. Countless commercial and government aircraft interactions with UFOs have been reported or leaked to the public that goes back decades. With these new upcoming disclosures, how will our curiosities, fears, and suspicions be fed?

An Interstellar guest

Avi Loeb is a prolific Harvard University astrophysicist with a mind-boggling resume of work. A personal fascination of his fed with equal pursuit is; space aliens and how to find them. In late 2017, Loeb believes we had a brief glimpse of our first interstellar guest.

Impression of “Oumuamua: Credit to Goddard Space Flight Center

‘Oumuamuaor Hawaiin for Scout and as described by Scientific American is like a buoy sitting at rest on the surface of the ocean, with the solar system running into it like a fast ship. Could there be a more comprehensive array of buoys that serves as a network of relay stations or road posts? Could these buoys define the average galactic frame of reference in interstellar space? During its short visit before it fell back into darkness, ‘Oumuamua seemed to push several of the laws of physics.

Is “Oumuamua the first interstellar visitor to visit our galaxy or just the first recorded visitor? Traveling at a peak speed of 196,000 mph, it seemingly defied the Sun’s gravitational pull while on a path back out of our galaxy on a continuation of its interstellar course. Dr. Loeb reported calculations that it entered our universe about 10,000 years ago. Still, we have no idea how long ago its mission began. Its size and shape seemed to resemble a cigar. It had about a 10 to 1 length to width ratio and was approximately 200 to 400 meters long. This shape is what researchers have previously proposed is the best type of form for interstellar travel.

We have big hopes for what we will learn about UFS visits to Earth this June. Is it hundreds of billions or trillions of galaxies beyond ours? Light is coming into our universe but from where; we had believed these were the darkest places in space. Are other interstellar buoys on a path through our universe? Are we alone, or who else is out there watching, exploring, or has already visited our world?

We have been thinking about and asking these questions for thousands of years while gazing upward on starry, starry nights. When or will we ever know for sure is unclear. What we do know is that the unknown of space will always hypnotize us with its mystery and unknown.


Through the Eyes of Regular Boomers
For Boomers – By Boomers, It’s All About Boomers

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