We were trained from our earliest age to create lists, now we write #BoomerLists. Do you remember the old days of writing your #SantaLetter for Christmas? From our youth, we were told to make our lists of things that we needed or wanted. Then after our needs & wants, our lists included things to feed our passions and chase our dreams and curiosities.

It’s funny how often so much changes and how much it still remains the same. Today is so similar to the years past when we used to write our Christmas lists and check them twice as young #babyboomers. Today we still make our lists and double-check them twice so we don’t forget what we need to or should do. And just like when we were kids; our lists today include things to feed our passions and chase our curiosities.
But is list creation really worth the effort? To create Boomers lists most results indicate that list-making is an effective memory strategy for seniors. List-making appears to improve older adults’ ability to recall information even when there is no opportunity for them to refer back to their lists.
In creating our list: we are asking you to help us grow BoomersJoe for Boomers+ by Boomers+. The + are those generations, both older and younger than Baby Boomers. Those who we are still helping, or helping us, with so many issues of senior life. At https://boomersjoe.com we have identified more than 50 different topical areas for these lists we are always writing. These are being introduced and will be addressed in these four buckets of To-Do lists.
BoomersJoe is also looking for #BabyBoomers who would like to help fill out these lists, and help write and post stories and reviews. Maybe you were a copywriter or just enjoy writing a bit and still have a strong curiosity. We’d love to hear from you. You can email me at jamie@boomersjoe.com
Lastly, we ask you to spread the word about what we are building at https://boomersjoe.com
Thank you and we look forward to exciting changes ahead for BoomersJoe and #BoomersTogether
Our plans of what BoomersJoe can do for #BabyBoomers is driven by scale. We need as many followers as possible. Seniors over the age of 55 include more than 90 million in the US alone.
Please help us spread the word by sharing our links with at least three other Boomers you know. Together we can create a list to #helpallBoomers